The message "Cannot find PGENIEDV or one of it's components" is most
likely to occur in one of two situations. 2. You're installed a newer Version 2 release overtop an older Version 2 release. In either case, the issue is that the shortcut (Pocket Genealogist icon) on your device can no longer find the Version 2 program that is associated with that shortcut. Here's how to resolve: 1. Connect your device to your desktop/laptop computer and establish an ActiveSync connection. 2. Double Click on "My Computer" on your desktop. 3. Double Click on "Mobile Device" 4. Double Click on "My Windows Based Mobile Device" (This may have a different name such as "My Pocket PC") 5. Double Click on "Windows" 6. Double Click on "Start Menu" 7. You should see the shortcut (icon) for Pocket Genealogist. Delete it. 8. Now go to your device and do a "Start", "Settings", "Personal" tab, "Menus". You should see Pocket Genealogist in the list, check the box to add it to your start menu.