Ability to change size of text for 3-gen,
Tree Views, Lists and Edit fields.
Support for Research Lists (Similar to
Family Historian Named Lists)
VGA Screen support with Windows Mobile 2003
Second Edition and higher (with a VGA capable device)
Portrait and Landscape
orientation support with Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition and higher. (Should cover all PocketPC's but only some smartphones have
this ability)
Supports "Capacitive Touch"
screens. (Finger instead of Stylus)
Able to Export Pocket Genealogist databases
to a GEDCOM file
GEDCOM Profile for Aldfaer, Ancestral Quest,
Brother's Keeper, Family Historian, Family Origins, Family Tree Legends,
Family Tree Maker, GenBox Family History, Generations, Heredis, Legacy
Family Tree, Personal Ancestral File, ProGen, RootsMagic, The Master
Genealogist and Ultimate Family Tree
Single installation program for both desktop
and device
Support for PocketPC 2003 & 2003SE,
Windows Mobile 5, Windows Mobile 6, and Windows Mobile 6.5 Devices.
Will not work on Windows Phone 7. Click
HERE for a note regarding
Windows Phone 7.
Support for smartphone (non-touch screen)
devices. Requires Windows Mobile 5 or higher.
Comprehensive User Guide
in Adobe Acrobat or Microsoft Word format
Compatible with Windows
NT, 2000, XP, Vista or Windows 7 (32 or 64-bit)
Supports Danish, Dutch, English, French, German,
Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish
Feature Notes
1Availability depends on if the
originating desktop genealogy program supports that type of data. For
example, not all desktop genealogy programs support To Do lists. Some
programs may support the feature but don't export the data to the GEDCOM file so
transfer to the device cannot occur.
2There are some restrictions with
some of the "Direct" and the PAF/FTM Add-on transfers. These transfers can retrieve data that is not normally
available via GEDCOM. This type of data cannot be changed on the
device since you can't export the changes back to GEDCOM. (For example the
TMG Research Log and Roles and Witnesses)
3 The relationship calculator currently
supports 10 generations and does not calculate step and half relationships.
4 Requires a GPS
device that works with your handheld.
5 Up to 255 generations.
You may find that 255 generations significantly degrades performance during
6The Individual View
(The "View" that shows the Individuals as a list) is currently
only suited for small databases (roughly 1000 individuals or less) as the
time to display more individuals can be significant. For large
databases the 3-gen or Tree Views are more suitable.
7Requires the additional purchase of the
Pocket Genealogist PAF/FTM Add-on available exclusively from Wholly Genes
Software. (Does not currently work with FTM 2010)
8PocketPC (or
smartphone) devices only and may not
work on all devices.
9Not all types are available for every
import. (only if the originating program supports that type)
10To Do Localities only supported by some
programs such as Legacy Family Tree.
11Field notes do not transfer via GEDCOM.
There is a separate facility within the desktop side of Pocket Genealogist for
printing or viewing Field Notes.
12You can have up to 5 TOTAL Field Notes
with the trail version. You may add/edit/delete them but no more than 5
13Any "standard" GEDCOM file is
acceptable as import into Pocket Genealogist. If your desktop
genealogy program is not listed in the "GEDCOM Profile" section, you can still
import your data as a "Generic" profile will be used.
14Any connection type supported by
ActiveSync is supported.
Not a complete list, contact
Northern Hills Software if you have a specific question
1This is the maximum limit for Windows
Mobile 5 and 6 devices. PocketPC 2003 has a limit of 262,144. This
is a theoretical limit as real world situations will likely be impractical (sync
time) for these size databases. The database size per "type of data"
(Individual, Event, Note, etc.). also cannot
exceed 64MB (Windows Mobile 5 and 6) or 16MB (Pocket PC 2003).
Synchronization times may be unacceptable for huge databases. The
biggest constraint is the amount of available memory on the device and the
amount of time you wish to allow for synchronizations.
2This limit is for all notes combined on
Windows Mobile 5 and 6 devices. PocketPC 2003 has a 16MB limit.
3The GEDCOM profile determines the
maximum length for the field based on the size allowed by the originating